Vectra XT Imaging

There is no better way to see the possibilities of cosmetic surgery than with the Vectra XT at Plastic Surgery Associates. Using a high resolution 3D image, patients in Napa Valley can see for themselves the endless potential in procedures for the face, breast, and body. The system uses multiple cameras to create a realistic image, bringing to life prospective results, and opening up a world of surgical options in Santa Rosa.

Vectra XT 3D Photo Imaging

Plastic Surgery Associates’ Dr. Francisco Canales and Dr. Heather Furnas use the Vectra XT to clearly communicate the aesthetic possibilities a potential procedure can bring. The goal of each plastic surgery consultation is to establish realistic surgical expectations, although this can be difficult using only traditional methods. The Vectra XT’s three-dimensional images give Dr. Canales and Dr. Furnas the power to manipulate real photos of the patient’s target areas. The images provide patients a simple starting point from which to communicate their desired changes. The Vectra XT is excellent for patients considering a wide variety of aesthetic procedures such as rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, and CoolSculpting.

The Vectra XT Breast Augmentation Consultation

With the Vectra XT, the breast augmentation consultation at Plastic Surgery Associates is the most precise and thorough available in Sonoma or Marin County. Using multiple camera angles and a library of different implant shapes and sizes, the Vectra XT creates an on-point image of your post-op results. The Vectra XT can provide an image that far exceeds the use of traditional implant sizers, which cannot give a true visual idea of what the breasts will look like without a bra.

Vectra XT FAQs

What is the Vectra XT?

Vectra XT is a 360-degree camera that can capture detailed images of face, chest, or body. These pictures are then available to manipulate, showing the possible results from a variety of surgical techniques. Rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty, and CoolSculpting are just a few procedures that can be visually performed on screen using Vectra XT.

What areas of the body will work best with the Vectra XT?

The cutting-edge Vectra XT system is designed to work on the face, neck, breasts, and body. Almost any area can be enhanced with the Vectra XT.

How quickly will I see my images from the Vectra XT?

The Vectra XT provides immediate images for you and your surgeon to review. Almost as soon as the pictures are taken, they will be available for manipulation. Pictures are also printable, so you can take them home with you for further consideration.

Is the Vectra XT process uncomfortable?

No, Vectra XT 3D uses six different cameras to take a full picture of the target area. There is no discomfort during the imaging process.

Is there an additional cost to include the Vectra XT in my evaluation?

There is no additional charge for the Vectra XT. Dr. Canales and Dr. Furnas include complimentary use of Vectra XT 3D during their consultation appointment, as a way to help patients visualize potential results.

My TouchMD

Plastic Surgery Associates of Santa Rosa has partnered with TouchMD to enhance your experience at our Napa area plastic surgery office. TouchMD is a state-of-the-art system that enables you to create your own personal web portal so you can take advantage of helpful educational tools, including videos, pictures and information about your procedure. This is a free service. We offer it as a courtesy to help ensure that you receive the best care possible.

Features of TouchMD

With TouchMD, you can go online to explore the details of your cosmetic procedure as well as your Napa and Sonoma area plastic surgeon. Once you’ve registered, you can access your profile and:

  • Learn about Dr. Canales, Dr. Furnas and the practice
  • Watch videos about your particular procedure
  • View or print images taken during your appointments
  • Share your experience with friends and loved ones


TouchMD is a vital tool for enhancing the doctor-patient relationship. With this program, our surgeons can keep track of your personal information, including physical measurements, photos and other details. This information is used when making important decisions about your treatment and helps our surgeons create a detailed surgical plan just for you.

Sign Up for Touch MD